Helen Fisher

Rediscovering romance in 21st century fashion.
These designs are a collaboration of two styles- the romantic, decorative style of the 18th century Rocco period, combined with the high-tech, abstract style of the digital world.
Futurism is an important feature in the collection, impacting on the garments to be asymmetric, playing around with moulage to create abstract shapes. This will be contrasted with the opulence and classical sense of beauty in the Rocco period- curves in the female form, rich embellishment, quilting, frills, and full skirts.
‘TECHNI-COUTURE’is a S/S 21 collection which will appeal to next generation of 21 plus consumers who are attracted to high end, ready-to-wear fashion such as Fashion East and Preen by Thornton Bregazzi with an appreciation for contemporary ageless designs.
This collection is about looking to the past to redefine the future in a Digital world.